About this Page

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my website.

As many of you may know, in my professional career, I am a medical doctor with specialization in treating patients with cancer using drug therapy (medical oncologist). I also do academic research focused on cancer policy and global oncology. However, I won’t discuss anything related to oncology in this page. If you are interested in my professional work, please visit my oncology page (being developed).

I am a medical oncologist from Nepal, trained in Japan, then at Harvard, and now working in Canada. While I was in Nepal, I was supposedly a good student, got good grades, and started teaching high school students. I used to teach Physics, but also held motivational lectures. I ended up writing a book called Journey of Success, which became quite popular among the youth. In recent times, I am getting flooded with requests to republish the book, and to continue to motivate people to success and beyond. I made this site to address that request. I cannot respond to everyone personally, so made this site where people will find answers to most of the questions they ask me, including a soft copy of all the chapters of the book.

So what is this website about?

This is the site for my thoughts that go beyond oncology. What do I mean by that? Well, my audience in Nepal will know that inspiring people towards a better, successful life has been one of my passions. I have even written a book called “Journey of Success” while I was in Nepal, about which I continue to receive positive feedback even today. Several people have asked me how they can purchase that book now. Obviously, it’s not out there in Amazon and I have also stopped producing hard copies in Nepal. So, I thought I’d make this site where I post chapters from my Journey of Success Book, add more inspirational matters, and other kinds of stuff that are of interest to me and hopefully will be of help to you.

I hesitated to build this site for several years. But recently, with the ultra-popularity of social media, I noticed that people are getting advice from people who have no idea what they are talking about. People who have failed in exams are giving tips on how to ace exams, people who spend all the time on social media losing their jobs are giving advice on how to excel at a job interview, and people who lost money in stock market are offering suggestions on how to quickly become rich. I think this is happening because credible people who have experience to talk about these things do not have the time and do not bother. Warren Buffet doesn’t do a TikTok on how to be rich. I just want to contribute by providing my authentic experience, in case it is useful to anyone.

I am interested in understanding what inspires people, the laws of physics, the purpose of life, the meaning of death, our purpose in the universe, and spirituality.

Obviously, the contents of this page may not be for everyone. So, many posts will be behind a paywall so that if someone is really interested, they will make an effort to read them.



One response to “About this Page”

  1. Dr Bishal
    Could u suggest some tips in physics ? Thanks


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