A Thank You Note

Originally written in 2012, edited in 2015, with minor edits in 2023

Writing this book was not easy. For past many years, I have had the dream of writing such a book that anybody from any discipline could read and get inspired. However, the target group was and still is the youth, those fresh and energetic people in the prime of life who still have a (hopefully) long future ahead of them. They have enough time to change themselves, to go get their dreams. Youth are the most important resource for the progress of any nation. And it is really a sad scene to see the youth of today depressed, sad and gloomy for various reasons. Surely, someone with low mood cannot reach the heights of success. I see a lot of potential being wasted. Everywhere I have been for teaching or for motivational speeches, I see many frustrated souls that are too meek to try for greater aspirations. I also noticed that my few words of inspiration helped them rekindle hope and courage. So, I made it a point to try as much as I can to inspire the youths and fill them with confidence and enthusiasm for greatness. And writing a book would be the best way to do that. They may forget what I have told. I mayn’t always be available when they need me the most. If they have a book, however, they can always keep it with them and refer again and again at times of need. So here it is, in your hands, a manual for success, a handbook for confidence, a road map for greatness.

Pain throws your heart to the ground

Love turns the whole thing around

No it won’t all go the way it should

But I know the heart of life is good

So my intention is to shake all the youths and wake them up from their slumbers. I want you all to wake up and behold the beauty of life. Behold the miracles a man can perform. To believe in oneself. To never underestimate oneself, to believe that you can make a difference to this world and back up that dream with appropriate actions! My aim is just to motivate you, and simultaneously motivate myself. Come, lets grow together!

This project would not have come into fruition without the direct and indirect support of many people behind the scenes. I wouldn’t be where I am without my family. I am always thankful to God for sending me in this earth into such a beautiful family. Thank you my dearest parents for showing me  the  beauty of life, giving me the confidence at times of need and encouraging me always. Thank you to my wife Bandana. Had it not been for her, I would have already renounced everything and taken recluse by now probably. Thank you for still keeping me in this world by showing me the charms and delights of this life. Most of all to Bibhika and Bedanata, both of who did not exist when this book was first published. That in itself is a miracle that new bodies of consciousness can just pop out of nowhere into this universe and become the answers to all your existential questions in life.

Also many thanks to Samiksha Books, who first published the book in 2012 and 2015. To all the students I have taught directly and indirectly. To all the books, movies, speeches, incidents, and life experiences that have inspired me. To each patient I have seen and examined. Each one that got cured, and each that we lost. Thank you all for showing me the value and beauty of life. For teaching me lessons I could never have learned from books. Thank you.

Because inspiration is the most important factor to keep us going at hard times but ironically, people are most miser in providing inspiration, I appreciate all of you who provided enough motivation and encouragement to me not only for this book but throughout my life.

And many thanks to all of you in advance who buy this book, study it thoroughly and bother to spend some  time  to  provide  me feedback, positive or negative, that will help me make this book better and more useful in future. You can leave a comment on individual chapters now at the bottom of each chapter.

Thank you.


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