The Inception of This Book

When I first decided to write this book in 2010, this was the first chapter I wrote.

I had a burning desire to be successful from my early childhood. My aim was to be successful at every step. In that process, I developed various strategies for myself and experimented with them. I tried numerous ways, and after these long periods of trial, error and experimentation, I came to a conclusion: yes, I found the way to success. And this way is what I am going to describe in this book. I wrote this book so that everyone else could save all that time I spent in trying things and experimenting them. Instead, you can start following the steps described herein and directly achieve success in your life. I spent my many years trying to develop these strategies, you are fortunate that you don’t need to do that-you can just follow the steps described here.

I had known from early days that the desire to win is more important than anything else for success. That burning desire inside to be a champion. So, when I started to teach Physics in Nepal, I began to inspire students not just telling them the facts they should remember but also making them want to remember those stuffs and also the ways to remember them easily. Because of that habit of mine, I quickly became popular among the students as a teacher who not only teaches but inspires as well. Students loved me for making them believe in their abilities, inspiring them, always demanding their best and also making them able to do so. That love that I received from my beloved students drove me forward to continue to do so as a positive feedback loop. It was a huge motivation for me to motivate others.

Then I started to research, study and explore how I could motivate my students further. I was always in need of constant inspiration myself. So, collecting inspirational stuff and studying such books became one of my hobbies. So, I started to read more and inspire more. Soon I discovered that there are many buds in our society who could be beautiful flowers if allowed to bloom, but who have been nipped in the bud because of their fears, loss of self-esteem, and use of improper techniques. I had the earnest desire to help all of them bloom and spread their fragrance in society. Thus, in helping them discover their talents, I discovered myself. I discovered that I was happier inspiring people than doing any other work. The passion to be a motivational speaker got ignited in my soul. I knew that in other countires there are several motivational speakers whose primary job is to motivate people, conduct seminars to discover people’s hidden talents, and write motivational stuffs for the public to read. I didn’t know any such personality here in Nepal. I felt that there was a great need for such a personality here though. Because human resources are the most important resource for the uplift of any nation. People need motivation and encouragement to achieve higher goals. Therefore, I promised myself that despite the high demand of time, labor, and intellect in the field of medicine that I was involved in, I would keep pursuing this passion simultaneously and keep motivating people. I aimed to be a motivational speaker one day.

 If heart desires earnestly, nothing is impossible. I have slowly developed the reputation of being a motivational speaker, partly because I have got a good pedigree of success and people believe me when I talk about the methods of being successful. Of course, Appa Sherpa talking about how to climb mountains would be more believable and truer than some other guy who has just read about mountaineering without even seeing a mountain (or in 2023, maybe I should say Niims dai!). College level science students found my speeches and advice more inspirational because I was exactly in their shoes at some stage of my life (I hope they can still somewhat relate to me). I was also offered to host a radio program in Image FM called “Career Plus” for 6 weeks and that too became a success with students making live phone calls to ask suggestions on self-improvement and success. I felt special to be in a position to guide others for success.

Then I started writing books. They were science books for medical and engineering entrance students. But the students going through the books started asking me to include some motivational stuff too in those books. I added chapters on how to use the book, quotations, and other inspirational topics written by myself in the book. To my delight, it increased the sales of the book greatly. It was highly applauded. Students said they loved my book even more for those preface and inspirational stuffs that they never received in any other book. They started making copies of those pages, keeping them in diaries and pasting them on their walls. Because of that encouragement, I started writing more of such articles. One that deserves particular mention is the one that I wrote for another book upon request by the publisher and it was entitled “Just 100 MCQs away from being a doctor” and it was as super hit as you can imagine. The sales of the book rose just because of that one article of mine. Everyone had a copy of that article and I started receiving many positive feedback. Students said that whenever they felt low and lost hope, they used to read that article, feel energetic and believe they could be doctors. They got hope from my article! Hope! That’s it! Hope is the biggest gift you can ever give to anyone. I then decided I would never stop doing this.

Since then, I have written several articles and given several interviews, the central theme of all of which has been to inspire people and give them hope. I had been thinking about writing a book that included all my tips and experiences (aka this book) for a long, but felt that I was not in a position to do so as I had not been a doctor yet and I had miles to go before I felt myself morally in a position to advise others by writing a book. Then one fine day my MBBS results were out and I had topped my medical school. It was a special moment. My publishers printed an advertisement in the Kantipur daily congratulating me and mentioning that they felt pride in publishing my books. Then hundreds of people, this time adults who read that advertisement in Kantipur, started inquiring what sort of books I had written and if they could buy my books. But they were disheartened to learn that I had written only science books and none about life, success, happiness and my experiences- topic that everybody cared to read. They advised me to write about my experiences and they were very eager to learn about me. Then I felt that it was the right time to write such a book.

But writing such a book is a matter of no fluke. This book is a synthesis of my experiences, my beliefs, my experiments, and my research. Naturally, this was surely going to take lots of time. I didn’t know what to write, what things to include, how to arrange the chapters, would anybody even buy it, would I look conceited, and several other questions of doubt and fear. But I also knew that most of the fears do not ever come true and also that to start is the first step. So I started anyhow by writing….these very lines. Indeed, these are the very first lines I am writing for my book. I don’t know how it will keep going but I have started. I don’t know if it will take a few months, a year, a decade or longer but I have started. Let’s see!

 (PS: Since the publication of this book, several readers have suggested that I should also publish this book in Nepali language. I am happy to do so, but do not have the time to pursue that myself. If someone is interested in translating the book into Nepali or any other language for that matter, please do reach out to me. I would be happy to work together to make that happen)

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