Written in 2011, edited in 2023.

He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.

— Friedrich Nietzsche

This is one of the fundamental keys to success, and therefore appears as the first chapter in this book. Aiming Big. Our own poet Laxmi Prasad Devkota put it superbly when he said “Uddyasha ke linu udi chunu chandra ek” (If you must aim, aim to reach the moon). Indeed, always dare to dream big. To aim low is to devaluate yourself. When you aim little, you are not believing in yourself. You are telling your mind and soul, your system (whatever you want to call it) that you are too feeble to be able to achieve higher things in life. And the tragedy is that your system believes this message and gets convinced that it indeed is not capable of achieving greatness. Thus, you will always be destined for smaller things. You will never receive higher prizes in life. And that convinces your system more that you indeed don’t deserve bigger things in life. It becomes a self-perpetuating vicious cycle.

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