Written in 2011, edited with extra comments in 2023

“What is now proved was once only imagined”

— William Blake

If you cannot dream it, you will not get it. Once you have aimed high, the next step to make that aim come true is to dream, to visualize about it in details. To see something in your mind before it actually happens, and make that happen in the external world has been a teaching of centuries: first dream your life, then live out your dream. I think this is such an important point that you might as well write this line on a piece of paper and paste it on your wall.

In order to be successful, first you need to dream what you want to be or what you want to do. You need to visualize your target before your eyes. Once you have an aim, try to visualize what achieving it would look like. Plan for it and work extremely hard to realize it. Leave nothing to chance. Live out your dream. Get obsessed with your dream. Live for your dream and die for it.

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  1. Dream big and work hard to make it happen. ^_^


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