Learning From Mistakes and Failures

I have missed more than 9000 shots. I have lost almost 300 games. I have failed over and over again in my life. That’s why I succeed.

-Michael Jordan

I read this somewhere: “the fear of death prevents us from living a full life.” Very true. Similarly, the fear of failure or the fear of making mistakes prevents us from getting to the top and being successful. This negative mindset is like a parasite; it sucks out all your enthusiasm and vitality and makes you just unworthy of something great.

Failures and mistakes are part of success. If you want to attain success but don’t want to meet with mistakes and failures in the way, forget about success. If you don’t want failure, stop wanting success too. But if you do want success, learn to accept the failures, mistakes and disappointments that come on the way just as another rung in the ladder to reach the top.

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