Originally written in 2011. Very minor edits in 2023.

“If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he is not fit to live”

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Of all the tips for success described in this book, this is my personal favorite. I can summarize the secret of success in this single word: PASSION. This is the single most important factor for success. Passion is the burning desire for getting one’s aim. It is the heat in your system that won’t cool down unless you achieve your target. It’s the fire that keeps burning until one gets their aim. It is the tremendous enthusiasm, the powerful force of your system that empowers you with the confidence to break all the obstacles. It is the love of work that makes one forget sleep and hunger. It is the itching sensation in one’s soul that won’t disappear without getting one’s hand on the object of life.

Passion is what makes people defy all odds and break the walls holding them from getting the object of their desire. Enthusiasm pushes us to work hard and not to accept defeat. I told you that passion is the most important factor for success, it really is! Because when there is passion, all other secrets of success mentioned in this book appear by itself. If you are passionate about being successful, you will always think about it; it will be your dream, you will start visualizing your success, you will prepare well, you will be confident, you will give your 100%, you will work hard and so on. All other requirements for success will appear on their own if you are passionate about your goal. Passion makes you believe that you can accomplish anything no matter how impossible it may seem. Today’s achievements were yesterday’s miracles. Miracles are turned to reality only by those who are passionate, so passionate that they never hear the word “No”, they never accept failure and keep persevering until they achieve what they are determined to achieve. Remember that determination is more powerful than destiny.

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