Be Organized; Stay Professional

Originally written in 2011, minor edits in 2023

“I believe that being successful means having a balance of success stories across the many areas of your life. You can’t truly be considered successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles.”

-–Zig Ziglar

Everything has its own way of working at its best. Everything works on a system. Once that system is disturbed, chaos appears. Nature has her own system. She works according to certain laws. Those laws are what we study in Physics. Also when we look at our own body, for nearly all of us, there is a systematic way of organization of cells into tissues, organs and systems. Our cells multiply at the right rate, and die at the right rate with check and balances. If this balance is disturbed, we get tumors some of which can become cancers which is the example of chaos in our body system. If everything happened haphazardly, the world would similarly be a chaotic mess. Disorganization is always hard to manage. Similarly, for leading a happy and successful life as well, organization is a must. Otherwise our life will also turn into a heap of chaotic mess that is very difficult to handle. If we can organize our lifestyle, on the other hand, we can just tune it to success. Success comes through organized efforts.

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