Originally written in 2011, moderate edits in 2013

I find television to be very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go in the other room and read a book.

–Groucho Marx

One of the greatest gifts human beings are endowed with is the ability to read. It is via this gift that human civilization has progressed so much. This ability allows us to learn from the experiences of others. I have already mentioned somewhere else in this book that human life is too short to make all the mistakes ourselves in order to learn from them. We need to profit by others’ mistakes, others’ experiences. And we need to share ours to the world so that other people can learn from our mistakes. That is what has made us human. Imagine if Newton or Einstein had kept their discoveries to themselves and never told the world about it! We would probably be backwards by hundreds of years. Thus, writing and reading is a gift that have made us humans what we are today.

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