
First written in 2011, with major edits in 2023

Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility.

–Saint Augustine

Naitik Drishtanta” by KabiSiromadi Lekhnath Paudel is one of the most inspiring poems I have ever read. If only it were in English, this poem would have received a lot more recognition. Anyways, one particular stanza that strikes me the most goes like this: “Upakari gudi byakti nihurincha nirantaara; faleko briksha ko hango najhukeko kaha cha ra? ”( great people are always humble, like a branch full of fruits (as opposed to the branch that doesn’t bear fruit and stands upright)). This is pearl of wisdom. Humility is the forerunner of success. Whenever people talk about success, one question inevitably arises: whether someone deserves success or not. A humble person is the one worthy of success. An arrogant person may be successful in his or her narrow discipline and may also command some fear-based respect but they can never get that one virtue that people ultimately long for so much but receive so little- the virtue which we call “love”. This is not love with sexual connotation but love from your friends, your colleagues, your seniors, from people you love and respect. This love is the real secret to happiness. If you ae in a leadership role, you will usually first command fear because of your position, few will be able to command respect through their accomplishments and leadership skills, and still fewer will be able to command love.

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