
Originally written in 2011, minor edits in 2023

What is tolerance? –it is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other’s folly –that is the first law of nature.


Tolerance is the mark of a brave person. A tolerant person is the strongest person. When somebody comes to you and says something nasty, or slaps you in your face, then any Tom, Dick and Harry can fight back and throw a few punches of their own. If somebody wrongs you, anybody can go and take revenge. If somebody teases you, any Tom, Dick and Harry can tease back. But it takes a person of character to stay composed and not immediately give vent to one’s anger upon hearing nasty things about themselves or receiving a (literal or figurative) slap on face. It takes character to forgive someone who has wronged you. It takes a brave man not to tease back upon being teased about. It is brave to not indulge in futile controversies when someone is saying negative things about you or things that you like. This is what we call tolerance. And any Tom, Dick and Harry cannot do this. Tolerance is the practice of brave. Only great and successful ones are tolerant. This one trait alone can separate the brave from the meek, the successful from the average.

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