Be a leader

Originally written in 2011, minor edits in 2023

Leadership: the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.

–Dwight D. Eisenhower

Throw away your hesitations to take initiatives. One who hesitates, never reaches success. In order to be successful, you need to be able to grab opportunities with both hands. Be proactive. Don’t be the last bencher. Show your capabilities. Lead others by example. Take initiative.

However, being a leader is not an easy thing as it is for me to say be a leader. I don’t think I am myself a good leader yet, although I make an effort to improve everyday. Leading your colleagues, friends, and peers is not an easy task. When you are proactive, you get criticized for being “over-enthusiastic”. However public opinion doesn’t matter as long as you know you are on the right track. Because if you are not active the same public will criticize you for being “inefficient” and “lazy”.

Many of us are of the type wanting to do something but afraid to take responsibilities on our own. We tend to run away from responsibilities. However, when we have a leader, we happily follow their instructions. Meaning by, we are happy to be a part of the system, but don’t dare to lead the system. That is the difference between the successful and the average. If you want to stay mediocre all your life, that’s ok, but if you want to be the best possible you, start leading. Start doing things without being told to.

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