
This chapter was written in 2011. My thoughts on God, prayers, self, and enlightenment have changed dramatically since then. So much so that I first thought not to include this chapter at all, but again figured that if this was useful to me in my path, it maybe to useful to others as well. In any case, for my more recent thoughts on these matter, refer to the Spiritual Journey page.

The value of consistent prayer is not that He will hear us, but that we will hear Him.

– William McGill

Let’s not go into the debate of whether God exists or not and if I believe in God or not. It doesn’t matter. But I believe in prayers. I believe in asking for help- you can ask from God, from nature, from universe, from super consciousness, or your own atma or Brahma! That doesn’t matter. What matters is a genuine prayer and whether praying has been useful to you or not. If prayers have been working for me, if my prayers are being answered, then why on earth should I not continue praying? If payers have been working for me, why should I abandon it for no reason?

Praying is a privilege. It is not necessary that we pray. But we can pray if we want (Well, it is not necessary that we need to be successful too. But we can be successful if we want). Prayer is truly a privilege. It’s an opportunity to communicate with whatever you believe in and ask for their help with complete and unconditional surrender. The good thing about praying is that there is no harm in it. If there is any consequence out of it- it’s always a positive one. So why not give it a try. It has always worked for me. You can also use this surest weapon of success. Use this to develop all the characteristics described in this book! Pray for the ability to follow all the steps described in this book.

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