On Habits

Written in 2011, the picture and a couple of sentences related to the picture is from 2023. 🙂

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.

– Aristotle

You are what you are because of your habits. We make habits and ultimately our habits make us. Our future is determined by what our habits at present are. As you sow, so you reap!

So, if you want to be successful, you know from this book what habits you need to cultivate. If you develop the habits mentioned in this book, you will reach your target and have a satisfying life and future. The surest step to success is to cultivate these habits discussed in this book.

Begin today. Try to develop a habit consciously. For the sake of example, let’s say you want to wake up early in the morning. Make a resolution to develop the habit of, let’s say, waking up at 5. First, it’s difficult. It’s surely hard to get off the cozy bed and blankets, especially in the winter. For a while, you may even feel like “I will rather sleep today than be successful tomorrow”. Still, give it a try against all your desires and excuses. Let your willpower win. Then, do it the next day too, forcibly, just to prove that you can do it, with brute willpower. I know it’s not easy, and you can curse, but do it. Do it for a week, then for a month. After that, this will come naturally to you. You will not feel like sleeping beyond 5, even if you can. You simply feel uncomfortable being in bed after 5. Now you will need will-power to sleep beyond 5, because waking up at 5 has become your habit. You make your habit, and your habit makes you. I know this by looking at my parents. They are retired and could sleep all day if they wanted. But they still wake up at 5 am every day, because that’s been their habit their whole life. I need hot water to take a shower, except for a couple of peak-summer weeks. My parents would take cold water showers even in peak-winter early in the morning.

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