Written in 2012

This book is just a beginning. A beginning for both of us–you as well as me. I have a big passion for  inspirational stuff. So, this book of mine is a new beginning for me. I have just embarked on a new journey, I don’t know how many obstacles I will meet on the way or even how difficult the road is. But I know that success and happiness lies in the journey and not in the destination. There is no destination, in fact. You just need to keep walking. The more you walk, the more new places you see, the more happy you be. I plan to walk more into the journey, write more books of this sort, provided you receive this book well and send constructive feedback.

This book is a beginning for you because as I told earlier just reading it and agreeing with me is not going to change your life. Saying “I knew all these things before” isn’t going to make you successful or happy either. Reading this book is your first step, you need to walk the entire journey yourself. This book is just a map to refer to when you feel lost, but walk – that you must do yourself! When you do that, when you keep walking, when you change yourself in a positive way each day, when you be a better you every day, when you become more noble, humble, and divine with each passing moment, then this book will start making even more sense to you than it does now. You will start loving this book more when you walk a few miles further on the journey than you are loving it right now. You will understand the value of it when you start to experience success and happiness first-hand than you do right now hearing second-hand from me. So this book is just the beginning on your voyage for greatness and divinity. Try to behold, comprehend, and drink the beauty and bliss you find on the journey. Don’t wait till you reach the end as you will never reach there. Happiness is a journey, success is a journey, greatness is a journey! Life in itself is a journey! Live it to the fullest!

I pray that all our lives be sublime and filled with happiness. May all of our journeys of success be worthful. Worthful in the sense that may we be able to save at least one life that’s about to die, help selflessly at least one soul in trouble, inspire at least one depressed person, bring smile to at least one crying face, feed at least one hungry stomach, love at least one broken heart, receive sincere love from at least one soul, serve at least one people in need, and donate at least one poor people. Worthful in the sense that may we be able to appreciate all the goodness in other people, the beauty of nature, the kindness of universe, and also forgive and forget all the wrongs done onto us by others. Worthful in the sense that just before dying there be smile upon our face contemplating the fact that we didn’t live our life just for ourselves but many other souls benefitted by our having passed through this earth, that our life was not a waste!

May we be able to save at least one life that’s about to die, help selflessly at least one soul in trouble, inspire at least one depressed person, bring smile to at least one crying face, feed at least one hungry stomach, love at least one broken heart, receive sincere love from at least one soul, serve at least one people in need, and donate at least one poor people. Worthful in the sense that may we be able to appreciate all the goodness in other people, the beauty of nature, the kindness of universe, and also forgive and forget all the wrongs done onto us by others. Worthful in the sense that just before dying there be smile upon our face contemplating the fact that we didn’t live our life just for ourselves but many other souls benefitted by our having passed through this earth, that our life was not a waste!

Bishal Gyawali

Wishing you success and happiness on your journey, I bid adieu to all of you with this poem of mine which I wrote on 2012 January First, before the idea of writing this book came to my mind:

In Quest of Greatness

– Bishal Gyawali

Each day we live is a gift

Just change your vision, take a shift

Each moment we feel is a treasure

How well you’ve lived, make a measure.

Life is uncertain, destiny unknown

Born out of nowhere, into dust we’ll be thrown

Whatever time you get, is a blessing

Your life is precious, give it a meaning.

Do what you want to, before its too late

Achieve your dreams, don’t later repent

Born with potential, don’t let them fade

Grow like a tree, give your brethren a shade.

In your deathbed, before you retire

Will in your face, there be a smile?

Will you’ve done, that you always wanted?

Or there be regret, that you were always daunted?

Did you elevate yourself to the greatest height?

Or stepped back, and later had to say “I might”

Were you brave enough to turn on the light?

Or stepped back, and said “let’s endure the night!”

Sooner or later, we will get into the dust

Sharper or blunt, all will catch the rust

So with time you have, do what you must

To inspire the future and you mayn’t be forgotten just.

Precious is life and each of its moment

Live to the fullest, enjoy it with earnest

Spread love, plant kindness and make world better

You can’t be great with evils, and not with idleness either.

Once again, if you want to read this Journey of Success Book, you can read the entire book with updated chapters and revisions here. You will need to be a paid subscriber to read the full contents from all chapters, but there are some chapters you can read for free.

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