• The Inception of This Book

    When I first decided to write this book in 2010, this was the first chapter I wrote. I had a burning desire to be successful from my early childhood. My aim was to be successful at every step. In that process, I developed various strategies for myself and experimented with them. I tried numerous ways,…

  • About Success

    Written in 2011, edited in 2023. Commentaries added while editing the post in 2023 are in Italics in Parenthesis. The definition of success varies according to the context and situation. To some, getting through the exam may define success while for some others having both ends meet twice a day may define success. Some may…

  • Why I wrote this Book?

    (Written in 2011, edited in 2023. I have added additional commentaries on certain sections in Italics in parentheses.) I have written a separate chapter in this book about how beautiful this life is. Despite various setbacks I have received in life (believe me, I have had my share although superficially it mayn’t look so) ,…

  • Introduction to the Book

    Written in 2011 and edited in 2015. When I re-read this chapter, I found that there were some exaggerated claims and too many exclamatory marks and unneccessary upper cases for emphasis 🙂 I have tried to soften the language here. Ah, a book on success! I wanted to write this book a long time ago…

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