• Goal Setting

    Hello everyone, I want to talk about New Year Resolutions today. Yes, it is not a new year celebration time. But every day is the first day for the rest of your life. And there is a reason why I bring it up today. But before that, I want you to watch this Youtube Video.…

  • A Tribute to Charlie Munger

    (As always in all of my blogs, italics are direct quotes, and non intalics are my own writing) I have had several icons of inspiration in my life so far. During early childhood, Einstein, Newton, etc. used to be my role models. During high school, I was a huge fan of Richard Feynman. Then, during…

  • The Razor’s Edge

    Have you seen the movie The Razor’s Edge? I highly recommend it. It’s one of those movies that I liked so much that I read the book after seeing the movie, because I didn’t want to miss a single good line. This has happened a few times, where the movie impressed me so much that…

  • Experiences of an Intern Doctor

    This essay was written in 2010 while I was an intern doctor in Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Nepal and was published in the annual book of the interns at that time (MBBS, 26th Batch). I read it again a week ago, and chuckled at what I had written back then. The core theme of this…

  • Thought-provoking Movies

    The holiday season is upon us, and many people’s favorite thing to do during the holidays is to watch movies. It is one of my favorite things to do, as well. My friends know how big a fan I am of watching movies, and keep asking me for movie recommendations. Here, I present you with…

  • Why I wrote this Book?

    (Written in 2011, edited in 2023. I have added additional commentaries on certain sections in Italics in parentheses.) I have written a separate chapter in this book about how beautiful this life is. Despite various setbacks I have received in life (believe me, I have had my share although superficially it mayn’t look so) ,…

  • How Harvard became Harvard

    How Harvard became Harvard

    In 2018, I joined Harvard Medical School for a fellowship in cancer policy. I was working as a medical oncologist in Civil Service Hospital, Kathmandu at that time and was spending very good quality time with my family, and a very satisfying professional time with my patients who trusted me with their cancer treatment. I…

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