• The Razor’s Edge

    Have you seen the movie The Razor’s Edge? I highly recommend it. It’s one of those movies that I liked so much that I read the book after seeing the movie, because I didn’t want to miss a single good line. This has happened a few times, where the movie impressed me so much that…

  • Kalama Sutta

    Although these were taught by Buddha to his disciples on methods of enquiry, this is equally valid for any scientific enquiry as well. Do not simply believe what you hear just because you have heard it for a long time. Do not follow tradition blindly merely because it has been practiced in that way for…

  • Spirituality of Sapiens

    Posting the same blog again because there seem to have been some issues with accessing the paid content in the previous post. In 2023, I read some great books. One of those was Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harrari. Sapiens traces the history of human evolution, but this is not merely a history book, this is…

  • Spirituality of Sapiens

    In 2023, I read some great books. One of those was Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harrari. Sapiens traces the history of human evolution, but this is not merely a history book, this is also a philosophy book and if you think deeply, it is also a spiritual book. Or at least, I interpreted it that…

  • What is your final wish?

    A prisoner on a death row is asked his final wishes. No, this is not a story about a prisoner. Think carefully, this is your story. That prisoner is you!You’re already on a death row.What are your wishes?Why not achieve them?

  • Duality

    When everyone recognizes beauty as beautiful, there is already ugliness; When everyone recognizes goodness as good, there is already evil. To be and not to be arise mutually; Difficulty and easy are mutually realized; Long and short are mutually contrasted; High and low are mutually posited;… Before and after are in mutual sequence. Conversation Beyond…

  • Pearls from The Moby Dick

    Moby-Dick by Herman Melville is one of the most influential books I have read. On the surface, it may read as a tragic story of a mad captain who sacrifices his and his crew’s lives chasing a silly ego against an animal that doesn’t even care for human beings and lives in the ocean away…

  • Affirming Faith in Mind

    This version of English translation taken from the book “Zazen practice: A gudieline for beginners” by Chon Tri. The Great Way is not difficult for those who do not pick and choose. When love and hate do not interfere everything is clear as it is. When a slight distinction is made, then earth and heaven…

  • The Heart Sutra

    I’d say that this is the Ashtavakra Geeta version of Buddhist sutras. This is straight to the point, short, simple sutra with the only goal of waking you up. A thorough understanding of this sutra should be enough for anyone who is already primed on this journey, and is a sincered dedicated student of the…

  • Pearls from the Vimalakriti Sutra

    I am not going to spend too much time describing the background for these sutras. These books that I discuss on this page are the books that were important in my own journey, and I have spent hours thinking about these texts. So, you can consider that these are my recommended books on this journey.…

  • Pearls from the Ashtavakra Geeta

    You have already read some background on Ashtavakra Geeta from my previous post, I assume. If not, you can read it first. I believe Ashtavakra Geeta has one of the most direct non-nonsense expression of the Truth there can be. If you can, read the whole book. Below I share some of the most powerful…

  • Bhagavad Geeta vs Ashtavakra Geeta

    My family comes from a Hindu background. We have a book on Bhagavad Geeta at home, it has been there for several years. Many people in my immediate and distant family read this book regularly. Some of them have even memorized the sloaks and can recite them very well. One day, I opened the book…

  • Disclaimers and Definitions

    I will continually update this page as new definitions are needed to understand the “Spiritual Journey” section of my blogs.’ First a disclaimer, I don’t care much for facts in this section. What matters most is the message, not the accuracy of facts. I might say a Japanese Zen Master said XXX when in fact…

  • Epiphany

    As I mentioned in my earlier post, I sensed that the Truth is not what meets the eye. I wanted to know the Truth about well, everything. The basic questions that always troubled me started to resurface. Questions like who am I? Why am I here? Doing what in this planet? What is the meaning…

  • Why on a spiritual journey?

    Seriously, why even bother? I don’t know the answer for you. I am not going to sell “spirituality” to you. There is no good business case to be made. And honestly, I think you should just go on about your happy life without this spirituality thingy ruining your routine. I am serious. Serious enough that…

  • Who am I?

    WHO AM I? I am a warrior What I fight against is sensual gratification I am a killer What I kill is ego I am a destroyer What I destroy is ignorance I am full of desire What I desire is Self-realization I am a seeker What I seek is the ultimate Truth I am…

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