
As I mentioned in my earlier post, I sensed that the Truth is not what meets the eye. I wanted to know the Truth about well, everything. The basic questions that always troubled me started to resurface. Questions like who am I? Why am I here? Doing what in this planet? What is the meaning of life? Why is good good and bad bad? Is there God? Am I controlling my life or is it under control of some unseen forces? Why should I die? Why is there inequality in this world? Why crime? Why no punishment for the bad? And so on. These questions were always there in my mind. I guess these questions are always there in the mind of everyone. As you may have sensed even in the first edition of my JOS book, I spend plenty of pages discussing about death, happiness, and the purpose of life. So, I guess these voices had always been inside of me. But, like all, I tried to ignore these voices. How? By drowning myself in the pursuit of success. Always keeping myself so busy that I didn’t have time for these questions. I kept my mind so occupied with success and schedules and thinking and concepts and beliefs that these fundamental questions stayed repressed somewhere underneath until the day of epiphany.

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