Bhagavad Geeta vs Ashtavakra Geeta

My family comes from a Hindu background. We have a book on Bhagavad Geeta at home, it has been there for several years. Many people in my immediate and distant family read this book regularly. Some of them have even memorized the sloaks and can recite them very well. One day, I opened the book for the first time. It had translations of Sanskrit sloks in English and Nepali language. When I read them, my mind was blown. There was so much wisdom in there.

But then I looked at people who recite these sloks everyday, and they didn’t seem as wise. I started to ask around. They would recite me the sloks of every chapter accurately, but had no idea what that slok meant. What the wisdom behind the slok was. Some of them had some idea, but never thought deeply about it. That made me sad.

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2 responses to “Bhagavad Geeta vs Ashtavakra Geeta”

  1. […] have already read some background on Ashtavakra Geeta from my previous post, I assume. If not, you can read it first. I believe Ashtavakra Geeta has one of the most direct […]


  2. […] get you good luck, blessings, long life, etc. That’s all bullshit. It’s like saying reciting Bhagavad Geeta will get you all the blessings. It’s not blind reciting of anything that gets you any […]


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