Pearls from the Ashtavakra Geeta

You have already read some background on Ashtavakra Geeta from my previous post, I assume. If not, you can read it first. I believe Ashtavakra Geeta has one of the most direct non-nonsense expression of the Truth there can be. If you can, read the whole book. Below I share some of the most powerful lines from the book.

If only words could carry any meaning, these words from the Asthavakra Geeta are here for you. Read them at your own risk!

Take time to deeply ponder about and savor each of the 45 bullet points listed here.

1.   You are not matter or empty space, but Awareness alone—the witness of all these. Abide in awareness with no illusion of person. You have no caste or duties. You are invisible, unattached, formless. You are the witness of all beings.
2.       Right and wrong, pleasure and pain exist in mind only. They are not your concern. You neither do nor enjoy. You are free. You do nothing. You are not the doer.


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One response to “Pearls from the Ashtavakra Geeta”

  1. […] say that this is the Ashtavakra Geeta version of Buddhist sutras. This is straight to the point, short, simple sutra with the only goal […]


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