The Heart Sutra

I’d say that this is the Ashtavakra Geeta version of Buddhist sutras. This is straight to the point, short, simple sutra with the only goal of waking you up. A thorough understanding of this sutra should be enough for anyone who is already primed on this journey, and is a sincered dedicated student of the journey.

This version of English translation is taken from the book “Zazen practice: A gudieline for beginners” by Chon Tri.

The Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara,
from the depth of perfect wisdom
clearly saw that all the five skandas are empty,
he overcomes all suffering and distress.

Form is no other than emptiness, emptiness no other than form.
Form is only emptiness, emptiness is only form.
Feeling, thought, mental formation, and consciousness,
are also like this.

All Dharmas are empty,
neither arise nor cease,
neither stained nor pure,
neither increase nor decrease.

So, in emptiness no form,
no feeling, thought, mental formation ,or consciousness;
no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, or mind;
no color, sound, smell, taste, touch, or object of perception;
no realm of sight to no realm of consciousness;
no ignorance and also no end of ignorance,
to no age and death and also no end of age and death;
no suffering, no root of suffering, no destroying of it, and no path;
no wisdom and also no attainment.

Because no attainment,
Bodhisattvas, grounded in perfect wisdom
then there is no hindrances for their minds;
Having no hindrances, there is no fear for them,
Far beyond perverted views, they realize perfect nirvana.
All Buddhas in the past, present and future
with perfect wisdom, attain full, right, and universal enlightenment.

Therefore, you know that
the perfect wisdom is the greatest dharani
the highest, unequal dharani, the destroyer of all suffering.
the truth beyond all doubt.

Then the dharani of Prajna paramita should be proclaimed:
Gate gate para gate bodhi svaha
Gate gate para gate bodhi svaha
Gate gate para gate bodhi svaha!

This is one of my favourite sutras to just listen to at times. For listening purpose, I far prefer the Sanskrit or the Japanese version because I can relate to the nuances very well.

If you are interested, here is the Sanksrit version:

And here is the Japanese version:

Also, a note of caution here: Several people claim that listening to or reciting these sutra will relive you of illness, get you good luck, blessings, long life, etc. That’s all bullshit. It’s like saying reciting Bhagavad Geeta will get you all the blessings. It’s not the blind reciting of anything that gets you any blessings. It’s the understanding of the meaning behind these sutras, contemplating on the essence of these teachings, that might provide you with blessings- and what could be a bigger blessing than understanding life and nature and not being in conflict with them!

Aham Brahmasmi

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