Affirming Faith in Mind

This version of English translation taken from the book “Zazen practice: A gudieline for beginners” by Chon Tri.

The Great Way is not difficult

for those who do not pick and choose.

When love and hate do not interfere

everything is clear as it is.

When a slight distinction is made,

then earth and heaven far apart.

If you would clearly to see the truth in front of you

just drop opinions of “pro” and “con”.

When like and dislike come to play

that is nothing but the mind’s disease.

And not seeing the deep Truth inside

it is in vain to ponder of purifying your mind.

The Great Way is perfect and like empty space,

none is lack and none is extra in there.

Because of grasping and releasing,

your seeing into the simple truth is prevented.

Do not cling to outside objects

Nor cling to emptiness inside.

Just let your mind be calm and clear itself,

then your perverted views by themselves will go.

When you attempt to stop your mind’s movements

you will find more movements of it.

If you still keep your views of duality

you will never know of unity.

And not knowing the unity

you get lost in duality.

When you insist that things are real

you miss their true reality.

When you insist that things are unreal

you also miss their true reality.

The more you talk and think of this

the further you are from the truth.

When useless thoughts and words are cut off,

there will be nowhere you cannot go through.

When you are at the root itself,

you’ll know the meaning of all things.

If you run after appearances

you miss the primal source.

At the moment of awakening

Both emptiness and form are left behind.

All changes inside and outside of you

seem real because of your false views.

You do not need to search for truth,

just let your all perverted views go.

Do not abide in views of duality

and do not search at all for it.

If there is a trace of “right” or “wrong”

the True-mind is immediately lost.

Duality comes from One-mind,

But do not cling to the One.

When this One-mind gives no arising

then nothing in the world goes against.

And when nothing goes astray,

then no obstructions will arise in mind

When thoughts and the objects no longer exist

the known will fall away with the knower.

For the known exists because of the knower,

and the knower exists because of the known.

When you realize this is merely of interdependent origination,

then both at the source are just Emptiness.

In Emptiness these are not two,

in each are contained all different forms.

When coarse and fine are seen no more

how can there be taking sides?

The Great Way is limitless,

Without ease, without hard.

But those who hold to narrow views

are in doubt and worry,

That’s why they’re still behind in the back.

If you are clinging to anything

you surely will fall into wrong path.

Just let go of clinging mind

then all things will fall in their right places.

In essence nothing goes or stays.

When you see into the true nature of things,

your steps are with the Great Way,

thus you are taking a walk without any disturbs.

If you live in bondage to your thoughts,

you will be confused and unclear.

It is no good to live in bondage to thoughts,

what use are judgments of good and bad for?

If you want to walk the Way of Oneness,

Do not reject the objects of the six sense spheres.

When you do not reject those kinds of objects,

You are back with true enlightenment.

The wise will do nothing for anything,

but the fools put themselves in bondage.

By nature things are not different,

but the foolish cling to this and that.

To seek Mind with discursive thoughts

is certainly a grave mistake.

From deluded mind come rest and unrest,

but mind awakened goes beyond good and bad.

From delusion come all of sided-views

These dreams are nothing but the flowers of air,

why work so hard to seize them for what?

Both gain and loss, right and wrong,

Once and for all just let them go without hesitancy.

If your eyes are no longer in sleep,

All dreams will vanish away themselves.

If your mind does not discriminates,

All things will be as it is, as One.

Such-ness in essence is mysterious,

without any entanglements in it.

When all things are seen with non-discrimination mind

then you are back to your self-nature.

The non-discriminative mind goes beyond

All reasons and comparisons.

When stop movement, there is no movement to stop,

when movement stops, there is no stop of movement.

When both of them can’t be established

how could the oneness can be?

In the ultimate truth,

is there any rule or standard can be used?

When your equal mind accords to the Way,

all ego-centered strivings cease.

doubts and confusions disappear;

and your faith accords to Truth.

There is nothing that leaves no races to you

and nothing that is able to recall.

All is self-revealing, empty and clear.

without any exerting effort of mind.

This state of truth is the state of no thoughts

and no feeling can be available in here.

In the world of Such-ness,

There is neither self nor other.

To enter the world of Such-ness,

Just affirm “not-two”.

“Not-two” means all is the same,

Therefore, nothing is apart or outside of it.

The wise in ten directions

all enter to that source.

It’s not short or long,

One instance is ten thousand years.

Not here, not there

It’s right in front of your very eye.

The smallest equals to the large,

because their difference no longer makes any distinctions to you.

The largest equals the small,

there is no limitations to see .

That which is is not,

that which is not is.

If this is not clear to you,

Do not hesitate [to practice].

One is all and all is one….

If this is clear to you,

Do not worry that it won’t be finished.

Faith and mind are “not two”

“Not two” is faith and mind.

It is beyond words and thoughts

There is no yesterday, no tomorrow, no today

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