Spirituality of Sapiens

Posting the same blog again because there seem to have been some issues with accessing the paid content in the previous post.

In 2023, I read some great books. One of those was Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harrari. Sapiens traces the history of human evolution, but this is not merely a history book, this is also a philosophy book and if you think deeply, it is also a spiritual book. Or at least, I interpreted it that way.

In this blog, I discuss some of the things I read in the book that got me thinking. Sentences in italics are Harrari’s words.

Also, as a preface, things I write under this Spirituality tag are unfiltered and are not meant for everyone, and hence behind paywalls. Read them at your own risk.

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One response to “Spirituality of Sapiens”

  1. dtdw68e4a4358ca Avatar

    Lovely reflections, BG. The end of this blog is a nice segue to what I was going to comment on, as I was reading through all these reflections.

    We spend most, if not all our time, pondering on the past, anticipating the future, not acknowledging they are both not existent. This automatically creates the me. The nonexistent latching. Let alone the past and the future, the present is limited to a miniscule of time, limited to one sensory input or thought at any given time. Its birth defines its death that same fraction of time. Most don’t acknowledge this. Few would make an effort to understand.

    Realizing this liberates you (I’m not quite there yet). Upon which the conventional happiness, sorrow, comfort, hardship doesn’t matter. All such experiences have died the time they were born.

    With this realisation, life suddenly would be very meaningful to live in liberation. You can splurge without guilt. At the same time, be joyful with what would conventionally be sorrowful.

    May all of you and I find this truth without much seeking. 🙏


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