A Tribute to Charlie Munger

(As always in all of my blogs, italics are direct quotes, and non intalics are my own writing)

I have had several icons of inspiration in my life so far. During early childhood, Einstein, Newton, etc. used to be my role models. During high school, I was a huge fan of Richard Feynman. Then, during my med school, several professors and famous doctors in Nepal were my role models. Then, in my oncology training, I became a fan of several academics and celebrity oncologists. Then, I started to get disappointed once I started to gain more knowledge and experience, and started to realize that several of the top people that I considered to be role-models, were in fact quite petty, sad-people who engaged in self-serving behaviours seeking name, fame, career growth, and money for themselves. It is pretty disheartening to realize that people you have put up on a pedestal were not worth your respect, time, and love. You feel deceived.

Anyways, one good thing about role-models is that you can have as many of them as you want. It doesn’t have to be one person for your whole life.

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